Covid-19 Safety And What To Expect

First of all, we want to thank you all for your immense support throughout this public health crisis. We kindly ask that you continue being the supportive and wonderful community you’ve always been. Please be patient with us and our new procedures and requirements as they evolve to comply with frequently changing guidelines. We are working very hard to keep EVERYONE safe. We kindly ask that you all stay transparent with exposures and symptoms and do not come in to the salon if you are compromised. We are in this together, but it simply is not worth being open if we become a place that further spreads this virus and puts people and those they love in unnecessary danger.

Check Yourself

Please Pre Screen yourself for symptoms of ANY illness before leaving your house to come to the salon. This means being aware of symptoms (fever, headache, sore throat, cough, body aches, nausea…), being honest about them, and contacting your stylist to reschedule your appointment as soon as possible. This goes for us as well! We pledge to keep you all safe by staying home when we are not well or are showing any associated symptoms. We understand this is super inconvenient for all, but it is the right thing to do to keep everyone healthy. Please be patient with us if you experience this inconvenience!

Healthy Practices

 - Please stay home if you have ANY symptoms especially, but not limited to, fever, cough, loss of taste/smell or any flu-like symptoms.

 - As much as we love cash, we need to avoid its use. Please use your credit or debit card or contactless form of payment.

This Is Not Personal, It’s For All Of Our Safety

We are so thankful to have made it through these hard times and that we are able to provide quality services to our clients. We are so excited to see all of you again, bring your hair back to life and make you feel the best we possibly can, but we are very aware that with this excitement comes a great responsibility that weighs heavily on our shoulders. This is why we are asking these things of you all, to help us take this responsibility seriously and make the gift of being open worth it. 

Thank you for your continued support!