BLM Statement


Here at Moxie Beauty Boutique, we very much support the movement for Black Lives Matter and the fight against systemic racism. We are aware of the ways that the beauty industry contributes to the racial injustice with the Eurocentric beauty standards that exist and are continually perpetuated. Smoothing textures and lightening darker tones are constantly trending, which does not allow people to embrace their natural beauty. And a pathetic lack in good education on ALL hair types and textures, leaves salons segregated.

In the words of Ibram X. Kendi in his book How To Be An Antiracist, “To be an antiracist is not to erase the beauty standard. To be an antiracist is to eliminate any beauty standard based on skin and eye color, hair texture, facial or bodily features shared by groups. To be an antiracist is to diversify our standards of beauty like our standards of culture or intelligence, to see beauty equally in all skin colors, broad and thin noses, kinky and straight hair, light and dark eyes. To be an antiracist is to build and live in a beauty culture that accentuates instead of erases our natural beauty”.

We want to help create a community in Seattle that helps to erase these old standards and helps embrace all kinds of beauty. We will continue to support the black community by buying from local black owned businesses, welcoming people of all walks of life and all colors into our salon, and continuing to put our money where our mouth is by donating however and whenever we can. We have kept a link to Black Lives Matter and other wonderful local and national organizations here at the bottom of this statement to help make it easy for you to help out as well.

Remember, resistance is NOT a one lane highway. Maybe your lane is protesting, maybe your lane is organizing, maybe your lane is fund raising, maybe your lane is art activism, maybe your lane is deeply personal…Whatever your lane is, it is NEEDED every day to continue the momentum of this fight to racial justice and equality.
